Benefits of WAFA

The Wool and Fiber Arts group is more than just a place to run our fiber festivals - it's a community of like-minded people, all coming together to share what they're passionate about and to encourage others to do the same. This group is for every aspect of the fiber world. Farmers, spinners, knitters, crocheters, indie dyers - if it's related to the fiber arts, you're more than welcome to our group!
When you join the Wool and Fiber Arts Facebook Group, you have access to all of our monthly LIVE sales, featuring a wide variety of vendors. Yes, we are here to host fiber festivals - but that's not all we do! By joining the group, you can be a part of all of the events we host.
- Informational Videos such as mill tours, indie dyers sharing their process, teacher spotlights from a variety of incredibly talented people, and more!
- Giveaways! When we hit milestones for our group and social media, we host giveaways with items donated by some of our amazing vendors.
- We are planning dye-a-longs, knit-a-longs, all the a-longs! We want to cover all of the bases, so we are hosting one for dyeing, spinning, knitting, crocheting, and felting.
- With in-person fiber festivals, you only got to meet local fiber artists. WAFA has a carefully curated selection of vendors from across the US and from other countries. You have the opportunity to find fiber artists you may never have found otherwise, and maybe a new favorite product!
- Our events are juried to bring you the widest variety of high quality products for a well-rounded event each and every month.
- Again, we're a community! We aren't just focused on sales, all day all the time. We have specific themes for each week in the group, encouraging everyone to share what they're creating. We're a welcoming, friendly fiber community focused on sharing, educating, and showering love on everyone's work. We have all ranges of experience in this group, from brand new people just getting started, to people with decades of experience. There's endless amounts of knowledge to soak up!
- We're planning on having a Tour de Fleece team. Details to come!
- Breed spotlights! We have a large variety of farmers in this group with many different breeds of sheep, goats, alpacas, rabbits, rare fiber animals, and more. We're working on doing spotlights on specific animals and breeds, talking about the animal and the fiber qualities. These will be informational and a great resource.