2024 WAFA Vendor Festival Schedule – Wool and Fiber Arts

2024 WAFA Vendor Festival Schedule

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Event Name Event Dates Event Location Vending Teaching Animal Exhihitor Event link
Birchwood Fiber Festival 5/4/24-5/5/24 Birchwood, TN the Foldout Cat, AB Farm and Gardens the Foldout Cat https://birchwoodfiberfestival.com/
Maryland Sheep and Wool 5/4/25-5/5/24 West Friendship, Maryland StarKnits https://sheepandwool.org/
Shepherd's Wool Market 5/11/24 Rush, NY D n D Fibers https://gvhg.org/shepherds-wool-market/
Shepherd’s Harvest 5/11-12/24 Lake Elmo, MN Wavellite Creative LLC https://shepherdsharvestfestival.org/
Kentucky Sheep & Fiber Festival 5/17/24-5/19/24 Lexington, KY the Foldout Cat Cedar Hill Fiber Farm, the Foldout Cat https://www.kentuckysheepandfiber.com/ksff
Spring Maker's Fest 5/18/24 Charlotte, MI Wunderful Pines Farm springmakersfestmi.com
Illiana Fiber Festival 5/18-19/24 Crown Point, IN Wavellite Creative LLC https://www.illianafiberfestival.com/
MKG Knit In 5/31/24-6/1/24 Madison Wisconsin StarKnits https://madisonknittersguild.org/knitin
Flag Wool and Fiber 6/1/24-6/2/24 Flagstaff, AZ Merino y Vino https://www.flagwool.com/
Tip of the Mitt Fiber Fair 6/1-6/2 Petoskey, Michigan
Katie's Fiber Connection, Fehrenbach Fibers
Fehrenbach Fibers http://tipofthemittfiberfair.com
Estes Park Wool Market 6/6-9/24 Estes Park, CO Timber and Twine, the Foldout Cat Timber and Twine, the Foldout Cat, Goldiknots MT https://www.estesparkeventscomplex.com/wool-market.html
Zombie Knitpocolypse 6/22/24 Rochester, Minnesota StarKnits, https://www.zombieknitpocalypse.com/?m=1
Judy and Eileen Fiber Retreat 6/22/2024 West Des Moines Iowa Judy and Eileen LLC https://www.judyandeileen.com/fiber-retreat
Summer Fine Craft Fair - PA Guild of Craftsmen 6/22/24 -6/23/24 Lititz, PA Opalessence Fiber Studio https://pacrafts.org/fine-craft-fair-summer-fine-craft-fair-at-the-foundry48/
Convergence (Handweavers Guild of America) 7/11/24-7/17/24 Wichita, KS
the Foldout Cat, Wavellite Creative LLC
Copper K Fiber Festival 7/20 and 7/21/24 Whitehall Montana Leaf Livestock Wool Co Leaf Livestock Wool Co https://www.copperkfiberfestival.com/
Fiber U 7/20-21/24 Lebanon MO Whirlwind Ranch Inc Whirlwind Ranch Inc https://fiber-u.com
Front Range Fiber Arts Bash (FAB) 7/26-28/24 Fort Collins, CO Timber and Twine, Leaf Livestock, AriBo Arts Timber and Twine, Leaf Livestock, AriBo Arts https://www.smallacrefarm.com/
Southern Comforts Fiber Market 8/9/24-8/10/24 Charlotte, NC the Foldout Cat the Foldout Cat https://southerncomfortsfibermarket.com/
Fiber in the Valley 8/10/24 - 8/12/24 Sautee, Georgia Fairily Fiber Fun Fairily Fiber Fun https://www.snca.org/snc/events/FiberFest2024/page.php
Michigan Fiber Festival 8/14/24-8/18/24 Allegan, MI the Foldout Cat, StarKnits, Wavellite Creative LLC, HensnChicksFiberArts Wavellite Creative LLC https://www.michiganfiberfestival.info/
Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival 9/6-8/24 Jefferson WI Whirlwind Ranch Inc, StarKnits https://wisconsinsheepandwoolfestival.com/
Natural Fiber Fair 9/7-8/24 Arcata, CA Macedo's Mini Acre Macedo's Mini Acre https://naturalfiberfair.com/
DFW Fiber Fest 9/19/24-9/22/24 Irving, TX the Foldout Cat https://www.dfwfiberfest.org/
Adirondack Wool & Arts festival 9/20-22/24 Greenwich, NY Wavellite Creative LLC Wavellite Creative LLC https://www.adkwoolandarts.com/
Shenandoah Valley Fiber Festival 9/28/24-9/29/24 Berryville, VA the Foldout Cat https://www.shenandoahvalleyfiberfestival.com/
Northern Michigan Fiber Festival 9/28-9/29 Alpena, Michigan
Katie's Fiber Connection, Fehrenbach Fibers
Lake Fiber Arts Festival 10/11-12/24 Camdenton MO Whirlwind Ranch Inc Whirlwind Ranch Inc http://lakefiberarts.com
Fiber Expo 10/12-13 Ann Arbor, Mi Fehrenbach Fibers Fehrenbach Fibers https://www.fiberexpo.com/page/page/4831882.htm
New York State Sheep & Wool Festival (aka Rhinebeck) 10/17/24-1/20/24 Rhinebeck, NY the Foldout Cat https://sheepandwool.com/
Southeastern Animal Fiber Fair (aka SAFF) 10/17/24-10/20/24 Fletcher, NC
the Foldout Cat, Wavellite Creative LLC